Intensive Therapy Approach

Harnessing the Healing Effects of the Sea

Conditions Treated

The nature of the therapies used at the Upledger Institute Clinic make the intensive therapy programs beneficial for a wide range of conditions. The following represent some of the numerous health concerns addressed.

  • Brain & Spinal Cord Dysfunction. Intensive therapy is used to help those restricted from functioning at optimal levels due to problems within the brain and spinal cord. The program has earned an international reputation for providing comprehensive rehabilitation for conditions including: traumatic brain and spinal cord injuries, seizures, developmental delays, chronic pain, headaches, neuralgia, temporomandibular joint syndrome, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, strokes, post-operative rehabilitation, cerebral palsy, birth injuries and trauma, near-drowning and other accidents, degenerative disorders such as multiple sclerosis, neurovascular or immune disorders such as cancer, chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, and many others.
  • Learning Disabilities in Children. Numerous studies suggest that learning-disabled children often bear structural dysfunction's that may be impeding their cognitive growth. This intensive therapy approach offers children, parents and caregivers innovative ways to meet these particular challenges. Using CranioSacral Therapy, therapists first evaluate the structural restriction patterns in the craniosacral system that may be impairing function and behavior. Then they help to release those restrictions that may be hindering learning and performance. At the same time, they help children to identify inner resources that enable them to make more appropriate behavioral choices.
  • Autism. This complex condition can present a myriad of symptoms, including extreme social withdrawal, language impairments, erratic or repetitive behavior, anxiety, fearfulness or pervasive developmental delays. It's also a condition that often responds well to CST and related techniques. In fact, Dr. Upledger has testified at a Government Reform Committee meeting of the U.S. House of Representatives on the effectiveness of CST in treating autism. Using CST as the main modality, therapis wherets work to promote physical, cognitive and social developmental gains in the autistic child. Family members and caregivers are also trained in ways they can reinforce the child's progress at home.
  • Addictive Behaviors. Many people who participate in traditional dependency programs say they continue to be burdened by the same difficult compulsions - even if they no longer engage in the addictive behavior. The intensive therapy approach supports patients in their quests to calm their minds and bodies. The therapies performed can also serve as a valuable addition to other vital, conventional programs.
  • Grief and Depression. Losing someone you love or anything you hold dear can lead to a deep sense of grief. This can bring about structural lesion patterns that can keep the nervous system repressed, resulting in illness, pain and sorrow. Many people are able to work through the pain of loss within a year or two. But for others the grip of worthlessness and despondency seems to go on and on. Here at UI HealthPlex we've discovered that gentle, supportive CranioSacral Therapy can be extremely effective in releasing this type of physical, emotional and spiritual pain.
  • Therapist Rejuvenation. Healthcare practitioners are invited to turn the tables to be on the receiving end of the therapeutic process. With a team of skilled colleagues at their sides, they're treated to CranioSacral Therapy, SomatoEmotional Release and other innovative approaches tailored to their personal needs. As old issues and unproductive patterns clear out, they experience the relaxation and rejuvenation they need - along with a renewed sense of clarity and inner peace. Therapists can then return to their practices re-focused and able to perform at peak efficiency.

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